Week 2
von vs Binton A. Andy Smith shot his fifth possible this season to captain his team to a win against Avon who with an eight point handicap and a couple of loose threes couldn’t hit the bull as often as the visitors. Alison McMillan came close with six bulls and a four for 34 points. The final score was 223 to 225.
Binton B vs Avenue. Binton with six points off Avenue pressed hard to win this match. Avenue’s Alan Crichton shot his third successive possible and Steve Parrack was unlucky to miss one bull for 34 which brought the total to 218 points. Binton’s Steve Hodges felt the pressure needing 31 to win the match but was unfortunate to score only 30 which resulted in a drawn match and shared points.
Home Guard vs Wilmcote. This was another close match in which Tom Morris shot his first possible this season and brother Gareth and Tim Stephens both shooting 34s. Wilmcote gave thirteen points away but battled hard to stay in the match with 34s from brothers Adam and Jamie Clarke and Sammy Skye Unitt who is still looking for her first illusive possible. The final tally resulted in a draw both teams having 230 points.
MEB vs Clifford. Clifford started well with 33 from Ian Perkins but Marc Anderton for the home team shot 32 which with the handicap from Clifford put MEB in a strong position. Unfortunately with two inexperienced shooters and an A N Other score, MEB saw the lead gradually eroded and they came second in this match with 206 to Clifford’s 210 points.
Report by Juana Everett, to be published on 12th January 2017