Week 8
continue to have an excellent season with teams scoring high and individuals
showing top marksmanship. Last Thursday seven shooters almost got possibles
shooting six bulls and a four for 34s - Alan Brookes, Tom Morris and Andy Morris
who shoot for Home Guard; Alison McMillan from the Avon team; Chris Reed from
Binton A; Alan Crichton from Avenue and Graham East from Wilmcote. Andy Smith
still on top form shot his sixth possible bringing his tally to 53 bulls out of
a possible 56 – impressive shooting. Jamie Clarke and his brother Adam also both
shot possibles, their fourth this season.
Avenue had only two loose threes in their match but fewer bulls than Wilmcote meant they could not keep pace with the visitors who shot only bulls and fours for a solid win with 230 to 215 points. Clifford had a similar match and result when they shot against Binton A where Binton won through with only bulls and fours for 226 and Clifford had two threes but fewer bulls for 216 points.
The Home Guard team also kept their shots tight with only bulls and fours and with every counting score over 30 they too won their match with 230 points against Avon who saw their early lead slip away which despite 34 from stalwarts Alison McMillan and Steve Ray’s 32 could not recover. Avon finished on 219 points.
Struggling MEB, with only five shooters again last week in their match against Binton B, were unlikely to win having to give points away with two A N Other scores of 28 they could only managed 200 points but with a full team Binton had a comfortable win with 213 points though they also had two threes on the scoreboard.
Matches this week Avon vs MEB; Binton B vs Home Guard; Clifford vs Avenue and Wilmcote vs Binton A.
Wilmcote continue to hold practice nights from about 7.30pm on Sundays for anyone who would like to try air gun shooting phone Andy on 01789 414 638.
Report by Juana Everett, to be published on 29th October 2015