League Week 6
Inter League
are still top of the league, maintaining their unbeaten run this season winning
228 points, which included 34 from Sam Goodman, against Avenue B 200 points.
Binton A are still in contention with a strong win against Wilmcote. They scored
232 points, the highest on record since the league computerised its records in
2006. Andy Smith, Michelle Dale and Will Cemis all scored 34 points. Wilmcote’s
Andrea Norris and Paul Clingan both scored 33 which contributed to the team
total of 222 points.
Clifford kept their shots tight to score 209 in their match against Avenue A who
continue to struggle this season. Still unable to field a full team they scored
only 195 points. Binton B came out winners against MEB. Steve Onions and Paul
Onions both scored 33 but with fewer loose shots Binton finished on 209 and MEB
on 203.
Monday’s inter league match against Redditch resulted in a 14 point win for
Stratford. Andy Smith shot his first possible this season. Will Cemis and Colin
Fulford were unlucky to miss out by one point. Graham Whittington for Redditch
also shot 34.
Matches this week – Avenue A v Avon; Binton B v Binton A; Clifford v Wilmcote
and M.E.B. v Avenue B.