League Week 13

n the penultimate week of the competition for the L C Docker League Cup, Avon SC convincingly won their thirteenth consecutive match when they shot against Avenue B. Adam Clarke shot a four with his second pellet but got six bulls for 34 missing out on his third possible this season. Alison McMillan was unlucky not to get her second career possible when her last pellet hit the four but she still scored a season best with 34. Richard Groom, Colin Fulford and Sam Goodman all shot 32. Karl McMillan shot 30 and Bill Fleming 29. Avenue lifted their game but with 32s from Matt Clarke and Richard Mills. Mark Taplin equalled his personal best with 31. Haydn Taplin and Andrew Radbourne both shot 30. Joshua Bridge slipped a three for 28 and Jackie Mills who is not shooting as well as she is able 27. The final score Avenue B 210 Avon SC 223.

Binton A were at home to Wilmcote and fielded eight shooters. Wilmcote lead by one point after two shooters but Binton’s Andy Smith shot his sixth possible but his first league possible followed by Gary Hooper who shot his fifth career possible which gave the home team a commanding lead after four shooters. Michelle Dale and Will Cemis both shot 33, John Parrott 32. Alan Brookes and Alan Dyer 30 and Chris Reed’s 29 ended up being scratched to leave Binton with 228 points. Wilmcote consistently kept their shots tight save for one three on the target. Andrew and Paul Clingan both shot 33s. Graham East and Michael Clarke 30. John Maycock and James Matthews both shot 29 and Derek Powers was consistent shooting 28 to give Wilmcote 213 points.

Clifford had eight shooters for their match against Avenue A who found a full team of seven shooters. Jamie Clarke got Avenue off to a flying start with a possible, his second in two weeks. Paul Nixon-Barron shot a personal best of 33. New team member Marc Anderton started off well with two bulls and 29 points. Jo Everett messed up her first pellet scoring just 2 but went on to shoot a bull followed by a four three times for 29. Paul Seabury and Steve Everett both shot 28 and Dee Green had an unlucky 27. Clifford’s Trevor Morris shot 33 and David Sibley 31. Ian Perkins, Martin Robinson and Tony Waters all kept out of the threes for 30, 29 and 28 respectively. Roy Brookes and Rachael Brookes both slipped threes. The final score Clifford 208 Avenue B 209.

Binton B went to Wilmcote to shoot against MEB who took an early lead with a career best of 33 from Tim Onions who was on for a possible until his last pellet slipped into the three and 32 from Paul Onions. The middle ranks Kath Williams, Paul Workman and Gordon Spencer all shot 31 which was a season best for Spencer and consolidated the teams lead. Ray Hodgkins shot consistent fours for 28 and anchor man Fred Williams 29. MEB finished on 215 points. Binton’s shooters had mixed fortunes on the target with a scattering of threes which lowered their scores. Steve Hodges was their best shot with 30. Angie Powell and Ben Chamberlain 29 and 28’s and 27’s from the remaining shooters. Binton’s final score 198 was well below the team’s average this season.

The final league matches take place tonight with Avenue B vs MEB; Avon SC vs Avenue A; Binton A vs Binton B and Wilmcote vs Clifford. The annual Christmas Shoot will take place on Thursday 19 December at Wilmcote SC


Report by Juana Everett, to be published on 12th December 2013