Centenary League

Week 5


Report by Juana Everett

to be published on 28th April 2011

ast Thursday, teams dusted off their old guns for the last time this season for week five of the Centenary Competition. Binton B and Avenue-RBL, who shot against each other were looking for a victory to keep them off the bottom of the table. Wilmcote who were shooting against MEB and Binton A who were shooting at the Home Guard venue were both looking for an unbeaten run to win the league.

Avenue-RBL struggled to field a team and had to rely on two guest shooters but with a relatively modern sight on the Binton gun, they shot relatively well and managed to win with 192pts to Binton B’s 186pts. Guest shooter Ritchie Hallen did particularly well with a score of 29. Home Guard gave Binton A a close match when eight of their shooters turned out against Binton’s six. The highest scores in this match came from Andy Smith 29 and 27 from Paul Clingan. Home Guard’s Steve Hodges and Sam Goodman turned in scores of 27. After disregarding the lowest of Home Guard’s eight scores they finished on 165 and after allowing an A N Other score to Binton they finished on 166pts.

Wilmcote were shooting against MEB in another close match where the lead was first with one team then the other. MEB managed six bulls, twenty two fours, nineteen threes and two twos. Wilmcote shot three bulls, twenty eight fours, seventeen threes and one two. Andrea Norris from Wilmcote was the most consistent shooter with a solid run of fours for 28pts and John Maycock shot 27 as did MEB’s Fred Williams, Ray Hodgkins and Gordon Spencer. Wilmcote took the match by a single point to give them an undefeated run of five wins in their five matches for 10 points and the top of the table was theirs. Wilmcote’s average from their matches was 179.1 which was somewhat lower than the 218.2 average achieved when they won the League. The lower scores being an indication of how much more difficult it was to shoot 100 years ago.

This week sees the final of the Thompson Knock Out Cup at Avenue-Sports and Social Club when Binton A and MEB will draw their rifles for the last match this season.

Presentation night will be held on Saturday 21 May at Wilmcote Sports & Social Club.